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210914 PUDI Report

Regular reports on the growing Poverty, Unemployment, Debt and Inequality of the neo-capitalist world Europe: “ Social injustice has once again clearly increased in recent years, most obviously in the crisis-battered southern European countries of Greece, Spain and Italy, as well as in Ireland and Hungary. However, a predominantly negative trend is also evident overall: In the majority of EU countries, the reach and scope of social justice has declined in the course of the crisis. Only three countries – Poland, Germany and Luxembourg – have proven able to improve significantly in comparison to the 2008 Social Justice Index.” “ ... the rigid austerity policies pursued during the crisis and the structural reforms aimed at economic and budgetary stabilization have had, in most countries, negative effects with regard to social justice. [...] social security systems have been badly undermined by austerity measures in many countries, as has the ability to invest in critica

Syria Regional Crisis Response 78

Situation in Yarmouk critical “ Of the 17 United Nations staff killed in Syria as a result of the conflict, 13 are UNRWA staff. Twenty-seven UNRWA staff are currently detained or missing. Twenty-six UNRWA staff have been injured. ” “ Out of approximately 540,000 Palestine refugees registered with UNRWA in Syria, over 50 per cent are estimated to have been displaced within Syria or to neighbouring countries. In Lebanon, 42,000 Palestine refugees from Syria have been recorded with UNRWA; in Jordan 14,290 and in Gaza 860 have approached UNRWA for assistance. The Agency also received reports of around 4,000 Palestine refugees in Egypt and smaller numbers in Libya, Turkey and East Asia.” “ During the reporting period, UNRWA was able to distribute 2,088 food parcels to the 18,000 civilians trapped in Yarmouk. Clashes broke out on a few occasions during this period, causing a pause in distributions for 11 days; UNRWA was able to enter Yarmouk on 15 days. Whe

A new attempt to "domesticate" the Left in Greece

The systemic establishment in panic by system failure The well-known representatives of the banking-media dictatorship in Greece have launched recently the propaganda, for one more time, through the propaganda frequencies surrounding the country. ( ) Using the known cliches of the type "there will be no more measures", "we should not disturb the political stability of the country now that walks on the recovery road", etc., they tried again to give false promises and spread the fear to the Greek people, not to vote for an anti-systemic government during possible national elections. There will be no recovery, of course, no improvement because in reality, they don't care about the recovery of the Greek economy. The only thing that current government-puppet has in mind, is to stay in power by any means until 2016 to complete the experiment, applying ever

Η «σιωπηλή επανάσταση» των συνεταιρισμών νερού

“ Οι συνεταιρισμοί νερού δεν είναι ένα μεμονωμένο τοπικό φαινόμενο. Αντίθετα, ευδοκιμούν σε χώρες με διάφορες περιβαλλοντικές και κοινωνικο-πολιτικο-οικονομικές συνθήκες, γεγονός που δείχνει την προσαρμοστικότητα τους. Χιλιάδες παραδείγματα αστικών ή αγροτικών συνεταιρισμών νερού υπάρχουν στις ΗΠΑ, τον Καναδά, τη Λατινική Αμερική (Χιλή, Κολομβία, Βραζιλία, Αργεντινή, Μεξικό και Βολιβία) και την Ευρώπη (Φινλανδία, Δανία, Αυστρία κλπ). Επιπλέον, οι συνεταιρισμοί νερού έχουν κερδίσει υψηλή βαθμολογία για την ικανοποίηση των πελατών και τις λειτουργικές επιδόσεις σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο.” “ Παρά τον σημαντικό αριθμό επιτυχημένων συνεταιρισμών νερού σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο, οι διεθνείς πολιτικές συζητήσεις τους έχουν παρακάμψει σε μεγάλο βαθμό. Επιπλέον, οι συνεταιρισμοί νερού έχουν αγνοηθεί σε μεγάλο βαθμό, τόσο στον τομέα της έρευνας όσο και της πολιτικής. Η συζήτηση έχει επικεντρωθεί στα συστήματα ιδιωτικής και δημόσιας ύδρευσης και αποχέτευσης αγνοώντας επιλογές που βασίζ

One year from the assassination of Pavlos Fyssas by neo-nazis in Greece

globinfo freexchange Anti-fascist musician, Pavlos Fyssas, was stabbed by Georgios Roupakias, member of the neo-nazi party Golden Dawn, at that time. The incident forced the neoliberal government to prosecute Golden Dawn members, while until then, Golden Dawn was doing the "dirty job" hunting migrants under police tolerance. The assassination triggered a dangerous situation in Greece, creating an explosive climate between the far-Right supporters and the Leftist anti-fascists. The incident gave also the opportunity to the systemic establishment to regain control of the neo-nazi party whose power was increasing dangerously and was about to get out of the system's control: “ Within less than a month, all settled as they wanted. They knew Golden Dawn, they expected such a murder. As long as GD was murdering immigrants and doing the "dirty work", was quite useful. Just after this political assassination of a Greek citizen, the "local repre